it is my job to make this process as smooth and enjoyable as possible! all sessions include the following: a pre-session consult, welcome guide, location guide and more. you can expect your session to last about 1 to 2 hours and i very much encourage you to relax and enjoy this family time.
i want your session to be a ton of fun but the end goal is for you to have beautiful portraits! i offer four different fabulous products for my clients. what’s better? no matter what product(s) you choose you also receive the digital negatives from your session (about 40). because what happiness do they bring all sad and alone on my hard drive? a $349 deposit is due at the time of booking and is a credit toward your final order. send me a message and i’ll be happy to send you more information and answer all your burning questions. after all, you can never have enough portraiture of the ones you love!
here's the deal